What’s New in MW: Microworkers-Hosted ‘Data Services’ Qualification Test

We’re very excited to bring your attention to that we’ve just launched Microworkers’ Data Services Qualification test!
As you may already know, Data Collection HG group is one of the most popular groups among the Employers for their specialized data-related projects. We’ve now put a lot of effort in putting together a good and representative test that will give you a chance to join this popular group.

To be eligible to undergo Data Services Qualification test, you should meet the criterion below:

  • 100+ Satisfied (Basic) tasks
  • Maintaining success ratio of at least


Check your performance here: Reputation
tipAt this point of time, aforementioned success rate in Basic tasks can only be calculated manually. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for our scripts to make your User ID qualified

You can access the test directly from this link: MW: Data Services Qualification Test
(provided that you meet the above criteria)
Data Services Test

The rest of the information concerning the test can be read straight from task description.
note Test is Optional and it won’t affect your Worker’s status nor ability to perform tasks
warning Once you pass the test and have been added to Data Services group, the system will start doing a regular daily checking on your ID to ensure your Success Rate doesn’t go below 98% in performing tasks reserved for Data Services group. If however, your Success Rate drops down below this rate, you are going to be removed from the group permanently, without a chance of getting back again. Please try your best!

What are the benefits of Data Services Qualification test?


Data Services group pre-tested and readily available for your Specialized jobs
☞ High Quality work force capable of dealing with more elaborate projects

Passing the Data Services Qualification Test will:
☞ Include your ID into Data Services HG group (now former Data Collection)
☞ Earn you a Data Services Badge
☞ Enable you to accept wide range of better paid Jobs

Doing well in exams are the only shortcut to success.

Good luck and stay tuned! 😉

You might also be interested in these blog articles:
What’s New in MW: Microworkers-Hosted Qualification Exams
Microworkers Things-To-Know: Qualification Tests
TTV Tutorial: Setting up Template with Accordion
Auto Rate Tasks Feature


Ziaur Rahman

this is the best platform for freelancer.

Katy Nalla

I wasn’t able to access this link even though I was qualified with all criteria’s. I contacted customer service on the same and advised me to wait till 48 hours. Now its more than 5 days and i’m still maintaining the eligibility.

could anybody throw some ideas, thanks.



    Hello Katy,

    Your profile says that Success Ratio of your profile is below the minimum required (96%). Our User Info page doesn’t show up one’s overall Success Rate for Basic tasks at this point of time. Please be informed that we’re working on to enhance Worker’s profile page as we speak.

    Thanks for your understanding and patience,

Katy Nalla

thanks for response Marko.

So you must be talking about temporary success rate (97 % I have); if yes, then I misunderstood with success rate (98 %) which calculates for last 60 days.

So it seems I have to wait till my success rate goes up to 98 % and try to access this link again. Am I right?.


Victor Pavlov

Very nice test (task)
I am pleased to do and others hope to post more time to complete the task.
As I meet with some employers such tasks very little time to implement them.
Happy Holidays and a good new year 2017
Thank you.

Allison Bateman

I’m a bit confused as to the success “ratio”. My success rate is 96%. My temporary one is at 80%. But on the best workers page it says 94%. Where do they get that from?


    Hi there Allison,

    You should be referred by total success rate of Basic tasks you have done so far. At this point of time it can only be calculated manually. We’re sorry for that, however, this is to ensure only very-well-performing Workers are qualified to participate. Just keep up the good rates and it will do the trick.

    All the best!



Is this test still up?
My success rate is 99% since 1 week and over 100 tasks successfully done. But I can’t access the link.
I contacted customer service but they didn’t reply yet (send the email about 5 days ago)

Thank u


    Hello Ilke,

    Our system shows your overall success rate for Basic tasks to be 94% as of the moment. Once it reaches 98% Data Services task will show up. Please note, overall Success Rate stats are being updated once per week.

    Keep up the good work!


How do I know or can I find out if I passed the Data Services qualification test?


    Hi Ruth. Please check your Finished Tasks page.


How many times one can attend the test?


    There are 2 chances to pass the DS test.

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