MW’s Additional Solutions (API2.0 Features)

As we have deprecated API 1.0 to our latest version API 2.0, additional solutions have been implemented to make your experience with MW more manageable and easier. We value your time in creating your campaigns and with our new solutions, you will experience a worry-free and an uncomplicated work flow.

Our API 2.0 features provides you with the following new solutions:

1. Removal of Slots/Positions in a Campaign

Suppose you have a thousand links of websites and you need specific contact details in each website to collect from workers. You chose to assign 3 workers to work on each website. After some few hours, you noticed that there are no workers working on the 20 links. Upon checking, it turns out that the links are broken thus workers cannot access the websites.

Our Solution: Removal of individual slots/positions

All untaken slots due to broken links can now be removed. This can be done in an active, paused or stopped campaign.

API Documentation: Delete Slots

2. Increase the Number of Required Workers in an Exact Position/Slot

Assuming you ran a campaign requiring multiple workers to work on one position. Let’s say you have assigned 3 workers for one slot. Answers/results from the 3 workers are all dissimilar hence you are indecisive on what answer should be the most accurate one. You need to gather more answers in this slot/task and compare them.

Our Solution: Opt to add more required workers in the specific/exact slot. When two workers provided similar answer, the answer of the two workers is hypothesized to be the most accurate/correct one.

Documentation: Updates an Existing Hire Group Campaign’s Tasks Group

3. Managing Hire Group Workers with API2.0

Now it is possible to add or remove workers in your customized Hire Group workers using API2. Managing your created group has been made more simple.

Documentation: Hire Group (Custom) Worker

4. Adding Workers to Exclude List

When the worker’s success rate (calculation of performance ability) is consecutively falling after performing few of your campaigns, you may opt to exclude the worker in your future campaigns. You may then add the worker to your Exclude list. If you decided to include the worker to your next campaigns, you may also do so by removing the worker to your Exclude list.

Documentation: Excluded Worker


Relevant Articles you may want to read:

The Advantages of Submitting your Campaign in our TTV Platform

Exclude List Feature for Employers and Workers

Using An External Template For Your Campaign

Creating External Campaign from API

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