Today we have successfully updated the Beta Platform and have sent out the second wave of Beta Invitations.
We want to thank the entire community for the valuable feedbacks during the past weeks. Your inputs have been truly helpful in allowing us to make improvements to the platform.
Along with today’s update, we have incorporated some of the suggestions we received and implemented additional features. We have also modified some of its existing features to make the platform more user-friendly.
Below are the new features we have added:
Enhanced Task Statistics
We have enhanced the statistics which are displayed for finished tasks to the employer by adding the User Agent as well as the time the worker spent on the task.
New Microworkers Tags
We have created new Microworkers Tags which can be very useful during the campaign creation process. You can now use the “$mw_campaignId” and “$mw_taskId” tag to output the ID of the campaign or task respectively in the detailed description.
Improved Callback URL Feature
The Callback URL feature can be used to inform you in real time by providing a URL to your server and whenever a worker has finished a task, this URL will be called. The call passes along some valuable information such as the ID of the task and campaign, the campaign type, the ID of the worker as well as a security hash.
Improved API features
We have unified the formats used in the API so that you can easily copy an existing campaign by retrieving its JSON representation, filtering the additional status attributes and then passing it back to the API. In addition, all outputs can now be used without further processing. Please refer to the API Documentation for more details.
Bonus Feature Added
This is one of the bigger changes we have made. We have integrated the Bonus feature similar to the current live platform. As employer you can now pay a single or an entire batch of workers an optional Bonus during the rating process.
Improved Viewing Features
It is now possible as worker to exclude several tasks from the tasks view at once. You are also able to exclude tasks of either a specific campaign or exclude all tasks of a particular employer. You can always review or revert these settings from your account settings.
Task Revision feature
With this feature, it is now possible for the employers to give the worker an opportunity to redo his submission. This feature is available during the rating process and requires the employer to leave a comment for the worker stating more specific instructions. The worker may then be able to resubmit the task within a given time frame. Once the worker has revised the task, it is again ready to be rated by the employer. In addition to the current submission the system also outputs the former inputs, allowing the previous submission to be viewed with the updated task, highlighting the differences between the two submissions.
As always, we are working hard to improve the platform and more features are about to come. So stay tuned!
🙁 Hello, this is a waste of time to add useless features. Keep things simple to let the users easily access all the important features of the website via mobile phones.
What about the support in new Microworkers? Will it be the same as of in the live platform or can we actually expect some response for our concerns?
If this comment does not gets approved, I think I will get the answer for my question.
Everything is nice, but I don’t see any reform for the worker! This is only for employers!
Thank you for inform us.
Also most of the new features are mainly on the employer side, it will benefit the workers indirectly with more jobs as we are able to attract new employers.
Yet, the bonus and revision feature are more worker oriented.
I think the changes you are making will be valuable to both employers and workers.. i especially like the new “redo” feature and hope that employers will make use of this. Thank you for all your hard work here on microworkers!
Can you add a function for workers – repair of Not-Satisfid task
The worker is entitled for 2-3 days to make the repair task.
I have several such registrations that have passed other referral links not man put the task.
However you delete cookies and all stories browser.
If then after giving this function to repair the problem the employer to evaluate worker and get money in your balance.
We face a big trouble in live platform of Microworkers. If we disconnect our modem then Microworkers automatically Logout! We know why this happen. But we hope we don’t face same problem in Microworkers beta Platform.
Our service provider give us dynamic IP. So if we disconnect our modem and then connect again then it start using a new IP. Some service providers modem disconnect automatically.
So when we try to submit a job then we saw that Microworkers is logging out! So please change the system that if our modem is disconnect then Microworkers not be Logout. Only can be logout when we want.
Thanks Microworkers Admin & Stuffs.
Wish you good luck.
Hello, this is a waste of time to add useless features. Keep things simple to let the users easily access all the important features of the website via mobile phones.
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